
Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Green Lantern [Watched]

Hey guys, I'm back. Sorry for the long wait I had problems with my laptop and all my pre-written posts were on it and I didn't want to start from scratch. We are now halfway into the holiday period (summer break) and I wanted to watch as many films as possible. Starting with Green Lantern, directed by Martin Campbell.

When other people watched it they were giving the film bad reviews but I wanted to see for myself. And to be pretty honest, I quite enjoyed it. When I heard Ryan Renolds was going to play Hal Jordan two things came to mind: One, in my opinion the found the perfect guy for the role and two, he acted in both Marvel and DC movies. I'm not sure if he is the only person to have done that but to my knowledge, he is the only one. Correct me if i'm wrong.

"In brightest day, in blackest night, No evil shall escape my sight. Let all who worship evil's might, Beware my power, Green Lantern's light!"  - Hal Jordan

I really liked the origin story at the beginning of the film, partly because I assumed most people didn't know about the green lantern and what they do. The crash scene with Abin Sur was on point and really got me excited to see what was going to happen next.

The storyline was straightforward and direct, but some people thought it was too simplistic and complained about the use of too much CGI. But how can you film a Green Lantern movie without that level of CGI? Most of the members of the Green Lantern Corps are aliens. I just didn't understand.

The action scenes were decent to watch, but I believe that they could have had a stronger villian role. Dr Hector Hammond being exposed to yellow energy could have been so much better.

My favourite scenes were when Hal Jordan was exposed to 'Green Lantern's light' and his eyes slowly turned green and at the end were Thaal Sinestro, played by Mark Strong was seen wearing the fear ring, thus creating the first member of the Sinestro Corps. A potential sequal?

Lastly, the message that the film gave to me personally is that without willpower, then nothing can be achieved. Watching this film actually motivated me that I can do anything if i put my mind to it. A good educational message that I hope people realised. The film made $147,220,209 worldwide.

"No matter how bad things get, something good is out there, just over the horizon." - Hal Jordan
Critics didn't like the film due to it's 'unseriousness' unlike films such as The Dark Knight and X-Men First Class.  I would give the film 3.5 out of 5 a good and commendable start to the Green Lantern story.

Watch out for more reviews coming real soon.

End Transmission.

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