
Tuesday, 31 May 2011

X-Men: First Class [Haven't Watched]

One letter and three words: X-Men: First Class.

I've been a huge fan of Marvel Comics since I was young (although I didn't own any) but watching the cartoons made me interested in the whole Marvel Universe. I have watched most of the films and I've been impressed at how the directors have put it on the big screen.

I have high hopes that the cast will bring the comic book to life, as they have done in the previous movies.

 My Top Three favourite Marvel films I would have to say are:

  1. X-Men Origins: Wolverine
  2. Iron Man 2
  3. Thor
Spiderman 2 and Thor can be debatable, but that's how i see it.

However, the three worst Marvel films i have seen are:
  1. Spiderman 3
  2. Hulk (2003)
  3. Electra
Long story short, I can't wait to watch X-Men First Class, Green Lantern and Captain America - The First Avenger. Hope they will be better than I expect it to be.

Reviews of the films will soon be published.

Until then, Enjoy Life.

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Just Helping Out A Friend

Nothing to do with my course but I thought I'd share it with you.

Last week, I was involved in my university fashion show where the fashion students showed their creations. My twin brother was asked a week prior to it but i was involved literally two before the show. One of the models didn't show up and I had to fill the spot.

The guys and myself had to model two pieces of clothing. One was a traditional African wear designed by Sebita Aziz and the other was clothing created by Fumbi, who founded 'FUMSOL LONDON'. He was the guy who asked me to help him out.

From what i gathered, the fashion students had to create six pieces of clothing for their coursework and look for models to wear them. And I have to say, they all did a pretty good job at it.

The African wear I wore consisted of a long sleeve t-shirt, a tight slanted t-shirt and a massive scarf over it. I wore skinny fit trousers with no button and i wore size 10 shoes that were pointed at the top which belonged to Fumbi which completed the look.

The second piece of clothing I wore was a grey suit with a tight navy long sleeve tshirt with a mask and sunglasses with slim fit trousers and long black shoes. I was also given a black bag to complete the look.

The catwalk was dark and I couldn't see anybody (due to me being short sighted and I had to wear sunglasses) but apparently the audience and some of the other models thought i was a professional model. I was surprised yet excited at the same time.

The African clothing and Fumbi's clothing made it to the VIP showcase where only eight pieces were chosen out of the rest ( I can't remember how many) but it was a good experience for me and the other models.

Congratulations to the designers who made it to the VIP showcase and good luck to Fumbi and his Label and also to Sebita, hope you guy go far.

I uploaded some of the pictures from the show plus some F U M S O L clothing.

You can also check out the website: and his blog

Enjoy Life.

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F U M S O L   L O N D O N 

African Wear, designed by Sebita Aziz
F U M S O L   L O N D O N clothing designs

'The Vengeance' Trailer and Film

This trailer wasn't part of my coursework back in second year college, but because i had lots of free time on my hands, I decided to make one. Watch the trailer then watch the film afterwards. Many thanks to all those who were involved in the film and a huge thanks to the teachers who marked my coursework and gave me a high grade for it.
Hope you enjoy it.

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Initial idea behind 'The Vengeance'

My partner and I first got the idea by brainstorming some ideas together about a love triangle gone wrong, which was our main focus throughout the film. We made it a social realist film in order to connect with the young audience such as ’Kidulthood’ and ‘Bullet Boy’, but the added twist was that we wanted to give the story a surreal angle, (hence the mask from ‘V For Vendetta) so that when you watch it, you would then believe that such it was likely that something like this could happen. We planned the story carefully to make it short and simple for the audience to understand.

I'll upload the short film later on today.

Until then, Enjoy Life.

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Jide's Film Ideas - Where Do They Come From?

The Jidz here, what you saying?

Unlike many other directors who think about what to write from various ideas and beliefs, maybe from travelling from different countries and gaining further insight of the undiscovered world around them, my film ideas come to me rather than me going to them.
My film ideas start developing from what I see around me, I don’t go out to find an idea, the idea hits me.

The film ‘The Vengeance’ I wrote with my media partner was from a basic idea that most people find themselves in sometimes, Love triangles. But the angle I saw it from was from a surreal point of view, people obviously get angry from situations like this but I wanted to take it further, to push the boundaries of social realist films to a point where when your watching unnatural things happening, you actually BELIEVE it could happen.  

Incase you dont understand what I mean, watch it and find out for yourself.

Also I usually don’t blog but im the Head of Multimedia. It’s my duty.

More films soon come, because The Jidz says so.

Until then, Enjoy Life.

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