
Tuesday 31 May 2011

Jide's Film Ideas - Where Do They Come From?

The Jidz here, what you saying?

Unlike many other directors who think about what to write from various ideas and beliefs, maybe from travelling from different countries and gaining further insight of the undiscovered world around them, my film ideas come to me rather than me going to them.
My film ideas start developing from what I see around me, I don’t go out to find an idea, the idea hits me.

The film ‘The Vengeance’ I wrote with my media partner was from a basic idea that most people find themselves in sometimes, Love triangles. But the angle I saw it from was from a surreal point of view, people obviously get angry from situations like this but I wanted to take it further, to push the boundaries of social realist films to a point where when your watching unnatural things happening, you actually BELIEVE it could happen.  

Incase you dont understand what I mean, watch it and find out for yourself.

Also I usually don’t blog but im the Head of Multimedia. It’s my duty.

More films soon come, because The Jidz says so.

Until then, Enjoy Life.

End Transmission

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