
Wednesday 1 June 2011

Radio Show: Live Soundz

Nothing about work but it's more about experience in the field I hopefully will work when I get my degree.

Last year September, I started university at UWL and seeing as I was studying Broadcast Journalism, I planned on getting as much experience as possible. I joined the university magazine group called 'Edify' and joined the Radio Society, where we were given the opportunity to make shows and broadcast them to the public. The station is called 'Blast Radio' and me along with my friend and classmate Jade have a two hour slot on Fridays at 6pm to 8pm. Our show is called 'Live Soundz' and as I said before in my earlier blog, we play music that people of our age group listen to and also spark up any debates that we feel are relevant. We also hold interviews with people we have met and play some of their music that they have made.

Sometimes, we are joined by our friends who do the same course as us who we have met in university and have made a close friendship with, producing some of the best and enjoyable shows.

Due to us finishing our first year, we have to reschedule our times so like I said previously, ill get back to you on this.

However, we might air our LAST show of the year this Friday (even though we haven't been doing our shows because of coursework) but if we don't, then we will concentrate on our return in September/ October.

Website link is

Until then, Enjoy Life.

End Transmission

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